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Manchester celebrates undergraduate student leaders

NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind. -十大网赌正规网址提供丰富的体验,让学生成长,领导并发挥真正的作用. This spring, 学生体验领导宴会表彰那些表现出同情心的坚定领导者, dedication and caring.

Lucas Al-Zoughbi (left) and Zander Willoughby年度杰出学生领袖奖表彰那些在领导方面表现突出的学生, 为2015-2016学年的大学活动和/或服务质量做出重大贡献. The award, 这意味着该学生已经成为公民的典范,同时展示了创造力和活力,这对学生的生活有广泛的好处, was given to:

  • 来自印第安纳州南本德的和平研究和心理学专业学生卢卡斯·阿尔-佐比(Lucas Al-Zoughbi)说.
  • Zander Willoughby来自密歇根州怀俄明州的政治学和法语专业.

凯普斯通杰出高级领导奖旨在表彰在十大网赌正规网址期间为十大网赌正规网址质量做出重大贡献的学生. 该奖项标志着该学生已成为公民的典范-展示了个人品质之间的平衡, 领导校园活动/服务和学业成功. This year’s winner is:

  • Caniece Leggett, a psychology major from Columbus, Ind.


  • Hannah Field汉娜·菲尔德是一名来自印第安纳州韦恩堡的高级会计专业学生.去年春天,她被评为“年度优秀学生干部”. She helped resurrect the MU Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 担任联合总裁,并提拔他人担任领导职务. 她在金融服务办公室做学生助理, 成功中心的会计导师,会计和业务部门的写作中心助理. 她一直是大学商业俱乐部的成员,并担任曼彻斯特活动委员会的副主席. 

Volunteer Service Awards

  • Caniece Leggett, activities include Blessings in A Backpack, Student Experience and Residential Life student assistant, president of Black Student Union.  She served as a Student Orientation Leader, 是“今日校友明日”的成员,并曾参与希望工程. 
  • Emily Vanhorn, sophomore elementary education major from Greenville, Ohio; activities include Kenapocomoco Coalition, Blessings in a Backpack, Community Dinner, Hall Counsel, Simply Brethren, Student Education Association, Residence Hall Association and Yoga Club. Emily是One World Hand Crafts的董事会成员.  She is a committed volunteer, 定期帮助“背包里的祝福”和协助曼彻斯特社区晚宴.
  • 德莱尼·麦克森是印第安纳州米沙瓦卡社会工作专业的一年级学生.; activities include Student Orientation Leader, vice president of Social Service Club, volunteer tutor and mentor for Indiana Reading Corps.

Caniece Leggett (left) and Salwa NubaniMulticultural Awards

发光奖是学生可以从多元文化事务办公室获得的最高奖项.  Luminescence, by definition, 光的发射是由能量原子而不是热激发的结果吗.  获得此奖项的人表现出最高的道德和伦理品质, 加上表现出的学术成就和社区参与: 

  • Caniece Leggett
  • Salwa Nubani,来自巴勒斯坦拉马拉的生物化学专业学生.


  • Daijah Asumang, an accounting major from Indianapolis, has accepted a position as a staff auditor with Ernst & Young. 
    Sara Cruz, an accounting major from Fort Wayne, Ind.他接受了RSM US LLP(前身为McGladrey)的职位 & Pullen).
  • Martin Garcia, a chemistry major from LaPorte, Ind.他打算攻读博士学位,并已被几所著名大学录取.
  • 来自印第安纳州韦恩堡的生物化学专业学生贾斯普雷特·考尔(Jaspreet Kaur)说., 是攻读牙科专业学位,还是在十大网赌正规网址攻读药物基因组学硕士学位.
  • Caniece Leggett已被伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的职业治疗硕士课程录取.
  • Vasin Pasda, an economics major from Surin, Thailand, 他被西密歇根大学经济学博士课程录取了.

新兴之光奖旨在表彰一年级或二年级的学生,他们用能量点燃了曼彻斯特社区, drive and passion. 该奖项还认可了给教师留下持久印象的本质和潜力, staff and fellow students in diversity efforts.

  • Darian Hahn, a first-year student from Elkhart, Ind.
  • Sean Patton, a first-year student from Merrillville, Ind.

Julio LuevanoSuccess Center Student Achievement Award

成功中心学生成就奖旨在表彰经常使用成功中心服务以实现其最大潜力的学生. 这个学生体现了成功的真谛:坚持、决心和奉献.  

  • Julio Luevano, a senior majoring in exercise science and fitness, of North Manchester and a native of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Student Government Association Awards

  • Organization of the Year:  Black Student Union
  • 年度项目:非洲的味道,非洲学生协会  
  • Member of the Year: Caniece Leggett, Black Student Union
  • 年度顾问:北曼彻斯特居民Jim Brumbaugh-Smith, Ballroom and Latin Dance Club; and Michael Dixon, Black Student Union

Residential Life Awards

  • Hall of the Year: Schwalm Hall
  • Floor of the Year: Schwalm Hall, 1st Floor
  • Hall Council of the Year: Schwalm Hall Council
  • 年度最佳项目:“打孔机器人”东厅宿舍助理
  • Hall Director of the Year: Letha Parrott
  • 年度最佳住宿助理:泰特·伍丁,来自印第安纳州拉波特的政治学专业学生.

The banquet offered a remembrance of the late Tony Loera, Nerad Mangai, Brook Dagnew and Kirubel Hailu.

Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, 全国六所大学中有一所是以弟兄会的价值观和传统为基础的吗. 该大学提供60多个学术研究领域,500 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics, 体育训练硕士和四年专业的药学博士.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at gqrm.kurdbusiness.net.

May 2016